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痛くない治療・予防ができる横浜駅西口徒歩3分の歯科医 - 横浜駅 歯医者 駅ちか




Yokohama Iwaki Dental Office

Welcome to

W​hole body health starts with

a healthy oral environment.

横浜駅 �歯医者

At Yokohama Iwaki Dental office, we provide a temporary reservation system for you to  book an appointment.

Please use the contact form below and enter your desired date and time (up to three requests). We will contact you on our next working day after your submission, and confirm your reservation.

Please be advised that appointments will be confirmed only after you have received a phone call or email from us.

In case of urgency, please feel free to contact us by phone.

Make your temporaly reservation here

NAGAOKA Bldg. 6F, 2-1-22 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004, Japan

English Reservation Form

Temporary Reservation Form

Please fill in the following form and click the "Send" button.

This reservation is TEMPORARY.

Your Appointment will be confirmed by a phone call or Email from us.

横浜駅 歯医者

>Is it your first time visiting our clinic?


>Which treatment do you require?



(White Fillings or Crowns)

>Other requests on treatment

>What is your symptom?

Office Hours





9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00
9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜18:00
9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜16:00

9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00

9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00

doctor's no-consultation day

Thursday, Sunday, Holidays

>What is your preferred appointment date and time?

Preferred date (1st)



Preferred date (2nd)

Preferred time (1st)



Preferred time (2nd)


Preferred date (3rd)

Preferred time (3rd)


>Please tell us your name*




>Phone Number


>If you have any other request, please feel free to inform us.

Your transmission has been completed. We will contact you shortly by phone or email to confirm your reservation.

横浜駅 歯医者.jpg

Dental services

We provide a broad range of general dental treatments. We will treat you with close attention and care to manage your pain. In particular, our dental clinic has 4 following features.


One Visit

Ceramic Specialists

Latest technologies enable us to complete ceramic treatment in only one visit. CEREC system is the latest dental CAD/CAM (Computer aided design/Computer aided manufacturing) system, developed in University of Zurich, Switzerland. Your new ceramic filling will be mechanically carved out in approximately 15 minutes, after taking impression with a small camera instead of using uncomfortable impression materials. The complete treatment procedure will be finished within 60 to 120 minutes for 1 - 2 teeth. Not only the quickness, CEREC system also provides good long-term prognosis as shown in many studies and patients data. Normally, between tooth preparation and delivery of the final restoration, temporary sealing is performed, but during this period reinvasion of dental caries can easily occur. However, since temporary sealing is unnecessary in our 1-day treatment, we can reduce the discomfort caused after the treatment due to reinfection. Our doctors are well trained and experienced for this one visit CAD/CAM treatment.



in Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics is the area of dentistry focusing on artificial replacements for damaged, decayed or lost teeth. Your damaged teeth will be designed and restored back to its original form and function based on this science.

Prosthodontics is the area of dentistry focuses on artificial replacements of missing teeth. Your missing teeth will be designed based on this science. Our doctors completed the curriculum of prosthodontics and have obtained the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. We will carefully listen to your needs and requests and offer the best treatment plans to help you regain your missing oral function and esthetics.

dental model


Prevention is in fact the best treatment.

We recommend you to participate in CAMBRA (Caries Management by Risk Assessment) program at our clinic. CAMBRA is an evidence-based program focused on dental risk management and disease prevention, currently installed in about 75% of dental schools in the U.S.A simple examination can provide your own personal dental caries risk and prevention protocol.


This system is a self-experiencing preventive care, and the improved results

will be easy for you to recognize, leading you higher motivation towards oral care. 

In addition, our clinic adopts a one-hygienist appointed system, meaning that the same hygienist will be responsible for your oral health care throughout the course. This makes it possible to carefully observe the progress of each patient, allowing to prevent and care according to patient’s lifestyle, living

environment, and life stage.

Dental hygienist
横浜駅 歯医者

Pain management

Do you have an image that dentist’s appointments can be painful?

At our clinic, we practice “caries treatment with minimal pain” in order

to sweep away those images. We devise anesthesia injections that many

people are not fond of, and perform a pain-reduced treatment by minimal tooth preparation (minimal removal of tooth substance).

Please be assured that at our clinic we will take care of your pain management.

Profesional dental care






9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00
9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜18:00
9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜16:00

9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00

9:00〜13:00 / 14:00〜17:00






横浜いわき歯科 スタッフ


横浜 歯医者 おすすめ
Doctors File
Yokohama Smile Design
横浜 歯医者 レビュー

▲ 時間をかけてじっくりと、自費診療でお口の悩みを解決したい方向け



© 痛くない治療・予防ができる

横浜駅 歯医者
横浜駅 歯医者

2丁目1−22 ナガオカビル 6階

〒220-0004 神奈川県横浜市西区北幸



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